How to Gamble Food

It might sound weird to say this, but I’m going to teach you how to gamble food with anyone! (DISCLAIMER: It is legal to do this with someone under 18, since it is not gambling real worth. This is referred to as “gambling” in this article, Karen. Real worth and owned food is illegal for anyone under 18, however.)

How Many Players?

2-6 players are required for this type of gambling game. Personally, I chose 2.


Choosing Food

Choose what food you’d like to gamble. What does everyone love? Do you have at least 6 times players pieces of it? What will you measure as “pieces”? What about breaking them up if you don’t have enough (what I did)? Is all this okay?

For my own gambling, I chose soft cookies. Choose your own or take from me, I don’t care!

Using a Pencil as a Die

Using a pencil as a die will change some things, but let’s go over how to do it first. (NOTE: I will mention this as the “die” throughout this article.)


Take any hexagonal pencil. I chose a small one without a good eraser for myself. Then pick a side as 1, and pick the way to go around. Then write it with pen (it may take a few tries, it did for me). Personally, I put those numbers smack-dab next to the wood going to the tip, and chose the one side with printing as 1. Then I just faced the tip to the left, and turned to the one behind 1 and made that 2, then turned to the one behind that, et. al. until I reached 6.


  • If the pencil lands with two numbers up, the number is the average of those two numbers, rounded up to the nearest whole no matter what. The only exception is if that rounded number will be 7, wherein the number would be 6.
  • If the pencil lands with three numbers up, it actually only has one number up. Take the top.
  • If somehow the pencil lands on something different than a number, roll it again.
  • The pencil has to roll on a sturdy surface.

Choosing a Game

Now what game will you attach? Is there a way to win? If not, make your own way! Do you have to make your gambling game a tournament due to more than 2 players playing a 2-player-only game (if so, I’ll still reference the ending of that as the “game”)? What will happen if someone leaves? Or if the game is a draw?

For my own gambling game, I chose chess before doing anything else in this setup.

Choosing How to Bet

Choose whether to have players roll the die for or let players choose how many pieces of food to bet.

Define a Blessing

If you have extra food available in “heaven”, how much food (as a “blessing”) should the winner get from heaven along with bets from other players? Do you not want a blessing?

Choose a Punishment

What is a punishment everyone hates (e.g. rickrolling if I’m not a player, saying “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” 10 times, yodeling 10 times, watching a video of someone farting for 30 minutes, watching Trolls: World Tour in one sitting, etc.)?


Now it’s time to play! Setup your game as usual.

If you’re playing a game like chess where you have to choose who is White (the color that has the first play) and who is Black, assign your players numbers on the die randomly. If you have to assign some players different amounts of numbers (e.g. some players are assigned two numbers and the rest are assigned one), make each player be assigned to ONE number, and make the rest be “Roll Again”. Then choose someone to roll the die. The player assigned to the number on the die gets assigned White.

Then make each player roll the die and set that amount of pieces of your food aside next to said player. They should not eat it until the end of the game, so keep reading.

You should have chosen whether to have players roll the die for or let players choose how many pieces of food to bet. They must have the specified amount in their inventory, and they must bet. If you chose to use the die and the die shows a number bigger than what said player has, make them roll the die again. These should also be set aside, but into another group next to their inventory group that is obvious is being bet (e.g. to the left/right of their inventory and pushed forward a little bit).

Whoever “wins” the game must put their bet back into their inventory. Then every other player moves their bet food into the winner’s inventory. Then the winner is blessed. This is the end of the game.

At the end of the game, the losers all face the punishment in perfect unison. The winners and losers grab their food from their inventories and savor the experience… or not.


People under 18 usually want to play fun “"”gambling””” games with their family, but it still might be against the law to do normally/actually bad for the family in some cases. This is a friendly (and family-friendly) activity for everyone in the family!

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