Using the Internet without Power

As I’m writing this article, I currently have no power. “How?” you may ask, and that is an excellent question.

The router is off right now, and I don’t have Mobile Data available on this device. That’s a huge hint.

Also, if the device you want to use has Mobile Data available, you can just hook up the batteries as I’ll explain in the steps below and do nothing else but connect to that Mobile Data straight from that device!

Imagine you’re going to school, ready to chat on Discord with your best friend. When you get home, your dad tells you that the power went out. Same for me! Here’s how to cope with it, and have fun with your best friend.


You’ll need:

  • Smartphone or tablet
  • High-battery device with USB plugin (e.g. full-battery Chromebook)
  • Device you want to use (e.g. same full-battery Chromebook)
  • USB charger
  • Mobile data connection
  • You
  • At least one finger, pointer and thumb recommended

Okay. Enough humor.


1. Conserve Energy on your Host

For me, I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab A. It doesn’t matter what smartphone or tablet you have, just turn it on power-saving mode. Make sure your “Mobile Hotspot” option is still available in the top menu. This will make sure your smartphone or tablet doesn’t die while charging from your other, high-battery device. Also, turn the brightness to the lowest setting.

2. Get Your Host Charging

Get your USB charger, and plug the big part into your high-battery device and the charging tip into your smartphone or tablet. Now you can use this host to get your connection.

PROTIP: If you’re like me, and your charger requires you to squeeze and tangle it up in order to have a complete connection, grab a rubber band (mine are in my kitchen table), then squeeze the charger and wrap the rubber band around that area a few times.

3. Turn On Mobile Hotspot

Now, you need to turn off your Wi-Fi on your host, then turn on Mobile Data. After you’ve done this, turn on Mobile Hotspot.

4. Connect to the Hotspot

Power on the device you want to use, then connect to the Mobile Hotspot you just turned on. If you need to, you may need to hold the Mobile Hotspot icon for Internet connection details.

5. Conserve Energy on your Receiver

Now, on the device you want to use, turn the brightness to the lowest setting, and whatever else you can do (e.g. maximum power-saving mode).

6. Use Your Connection

Go ahead! Do whatever you want on the device you want to use now.


When the power goes out all hope may be lost but if you make a smart move the pang can be avoided.

If you have another device (it could even be one of the devices already used here), you may even be able to charge the device you want to use while IT is charging the device to give you Internet! Just use these steps again, and the potentials are endless!

Have a great day!

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